Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Self Righteous Pricks

So last night I was looking through my Bulk folder on CM and I found this message from Edward00. I thought it would be a simple report and move on...but it got more involved.

Edward00: I'll give you 10k if you manage to pretend to be a guy's slave, meet him, and drug him while I call his family.
Me: I hope you get arrested.
Edward00: He hurt a lot,of must not care.
Me: If he hurt someone, let the cops handle it. You don't go around asking people to drug others. Its stupid.
Edward00: Cops didnt handle it.
Me: Well then you really do deserve to get arrested. If the cops didn't handle it, there's clearly a reason why. That doesn't mean you take it into your own hands.
Edward00: Yes, because everyone knows that justice always prevails, right? Youre just a naive imbecile.
Me: Lol sorry that I didn't want you getting arrested XD guess I'm stupid. Go and drug as many people as you'd like :)
Edward00: I would rather get arrested fir a bit qnd ruin the life of a guy that has hurt so many people, than just do nothing.
Me: Way to go, you're an activist. Want a cookie? Well at least there will be 2 less morons running loose.
Edward00: You know, i wish he met you instead of her. Pieces of shit like you deserve it. She did not.

So I typed up this response:
"Hmmm yes I'm a piece of shit for having the opinion that a situation like this should be handled by the police, and if they don't handle it then there's obviously a reason why. Please take matters into your own hands so there will be one less self-righteous vigilante running rampant on the streets."

But the poor baby blocked me before I could respond lol.

I like the law....granted, it's not always fair and sometimes we don't understand certain aspects of it...if the police aren't dealing with a situation, they obviously have a reason why. That's no reason to go rogue and start drugging people to get the justice you want. And by the way, you wouldn't go to jail "for a bit" for this. You're looking at a federal offense with a minimum sentence of 20 years.