So what's going on in the land of me? Hmmm. Well I recently broke up with the guy I was dating....that'll teach me not to date a sub. YIKES. I'm still being an awesome cam girl on Chaturbate. My free time has been spent watching old shows on Netflix (Angel, Ghost Whisperer, stuff like that) and filling up my wish list so you boys can keep spoiling me. You've been doing a great job. Soon I'll be looking for a new place to live, just so I can get a place with more closet space lol.
How have you boys been doing with your NiteFlirt assignments? No problems I hope. I've been very entertained by the email submissions I've gotten, documenting your tasks. Unfortunately, none of you have the balls to allow me to post your humiliating pictures and videos on my blog. Oh well, at least I get to see them and have a good laugh.
Keep up the good work :)